When all is said and done, being a manager is a far different experience than being an employee. So, when you promote one of your team members to this position—or perhaps you’ve recently been promoted to management yourself—it is important that a few practices are incorporated into their new workflow. Let’s go over these practices, and how the right IT can help.
I know, I know… obvious. However, this doesn’t mean that it is any less important to acknowledge that managerial styles don’t always line up perfectly to each team member’s work style. For instance, if a manager is accustomed to self-driven work processes, it may be difficult for the team members they manage to work if they need structure in the workplace. Therefore, managers need to anticipate these differences in work styles and communicate with each appropriately.
For this, there are plenty of business software solutions available to help managers keep their team members on task, allowing you to keep track of who is to do what, and when, while outlining the goals they are to strive for.
You also want to ensure that management is able to facilitate the clear and open sharing of information—as appropriate, of course—by not only setting the example, but by doing so using the appropriate tools. Businesses should have a variety of communication technologies in place to promote collaboration and to give their external contacts plenty of options to embrace as they reach out.
It is on management to take the lead on establishing these tools as the standard. Show your team how your communication solutions are to be used, and encourage them to use them the same way.
There is definitely such a thing as “too many meetings,” and it tends to be the side effect of ineffective meetings overall. There are a few ways to counteract this, like planning an itinerary to shape your meetings around.
Of course, you also need the technology that will allow you to hold meetings with both in-house and remote employees, which a collaboration suite provides. Video conferencing helps to reduce the space between distant coworkers, in a manner of speaking, allowing you to lead them more effectively through a version of face-to-face conversation.
At Network Solutions Unlimited, we’re experienced in identifying and implementing the solutions that businesses need for success, supporting every member of their team—including management. Reach out to us at (217) 428-6449 to learn more.
About the author
Frank Saulsbery began a career in technology 1998 ago after studying microelectronics in college, he now owns two technology companies, sits on several advisory boards and is requested to speak regularly on cyber security awareness and digital business protection.
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